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Sports & PE

PE is a high-profile subject at FVA; children enjoy being athletes and are proud of their achievements. Children have the opportunity to learn new sports, skills and develop values such as teamwork and fairness. We believe that all children are able to be successful athletes through fun and engaging PE lessons that are accessible to all. We want our children to appreciate the benefits of a healthy and physically active lifestyle.

Children have the opportunity to develop transferable skills and learn new sports. They work independently to acquire new skills and learn from each other through modelling opportunities. Children develop values of teamwork, inclusion and fairness through team sports. All of the teaching and specialist staff are committed to providing the best PE learning experiences for their classes and work hard to ensure teaching is of a consistently high quality.

Outcomes for this year:

  1. We want children to leave FVA with a positive relationship to health, activity & fitness, led by the “We are athletes” slogan.
  2. Allowing children to realise and create this attitude through self-agency by themselves, as we give them the knowledge to PE’s social, mental and physical benefits and develop them as a whole person.
  3. We want children to have a comprehensive knowledge of all basic skills that will serve them well in accessing all sports in their future.
  4. To develop a positive attitude towards competitions using values such as fair play, sportsmanship and teamwork to lead this and remembering winning and losing is a healthy aspect of sport.
  5. Children to leave FVA understanding how sport embodies British Values
  6. We want PE to cater to all disadvantaged groups with varying needs, standards and abilities.
  • Real PE scheme bought and training for all staff during term 5 inset
  • Future Stars after school sports club
  • Pupil premium sports club
  • FVA mile introduced and timetabled for every class at least 2x per week
  • Teacher Subject Knowledge and planning CPD with subject specialist
  • Inset day PE training term 1
  • Sponsored ‘Colour run’ as part of CLF big run/walk
  • Sports Day planned for term 6
  • Audit for PE resources
  • New PE resources
  • PE lesson timetable
  • Cricket coaching for every class with Gloucester cricket club online during lockdown and in person at the end of term 4
  • Swimming for year 5
  • Resource bank Future stars lesson plans and dance plans for whole staff
  • PE enrichment days (cricket coaching, colour run, sports day)
  • Whole school participation in WOW walk to school challenge to promote being an ‘active school’ and protecting our environment

Since returning to school this academic year, we reflected on our existing PE curriculum and decided to purchase and develop the Real PE scheme. This has been widely implemented across the CLF and has improved PE outcomes in those schools. These changes have been made to ensure that children are given the opportunity to enjoy high quality PE learning and develop their skills as athletes. Real PE is a comprehensive scheme of learning that offers a holistic approach to physical activity and well-being. In addition to developing fundamental movement skills, Real PE helps children to develop a broad range of skills, including communication, problem solving, resilience and creativity.

Deliberate Intelligent Practice:

  • Specialist staff providing PE lessons as PPA cover
  • 2x weekly FVA mile to improve fitness levels
  • 2 a Week PE lessons
  • Sharing of Future Stars lesson plans and dance lesson plan to support teachers in delivering high quality, progressive PE lessons
  • Extending all learners through differentiation of PE skills
  • Use of extensive school grounds to ensure that PE learning is not limited by COVID restrictions
  • Gymrun fitness assessments to monitor children’s fitness levels and progress


PE is a high-profile subject at FVA, which receives a good amount of teaching and learning time throughout the year groups. At FVA, we are undergoing changes to our pedagogy for PE, which all teaching staff will receive training on in due course. We are looking forward to embedding the Real PE scheme and CLF PE curriculum. We are committed to providing high quality PE lessons and sports clubs to improve PE outcomes. This is of great importance as we look to address the adverse impact of national lockdowns on children’s fitness levels and participation in sport.

Next Steps:

  • Real PE inset day training for all staff
  • Implement Real PE scheme in term 6 in preparation for next academic year
  • Implement CLF PE curriculum and ensure Real PE aligns
  • Plan for a successful and celebratory sports day in term 6
  • Continue to promote the FVA mile
  • Planning overviews for PE to ensure broad coverage of the curriculum
  • Promote intra school and inter school competitions