TT Rock Stars
Dear Parent / carer,
Here at FVA, we are always trying to find ways to teach the children in a fun and engaging way.
You will be aware that children learn best when they are enjoying themselves and with this in mind, we have now signed up to TT Rock Stars and this will be launched in school before the end of this term.
The website allows the children to practise their times tables online and their teacher will set the times tables that they want the children to be able to access and practice each week. We believe that the children will find learning their times tables to be fun and rewarding with TT Rock Stars and will enjoy practising at home too.
What is Times Table Rock Stars?
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practise. Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so. These can also be set by the class teacher.
What are its aims?
The programme has one aim – to boost times table recall speeds which in turn helps with all maths at all levels.
What are the benefits of Times Table Rock Stars?
- Incorrect answers are always immediately corrected in front of the pupil so that they start to associate the correct answer to every question.
- The clever code behind the scenes works out which times table facts each pupil is consistently taking longer to answer and then it gradually starts to present these facts more frequently until pupils have mastered them.
- It will also ask related division questions 20% of the time in order to reinforce division facts.
- Children are engaged by their learning and have fun too.
More information
TT Rock Stars owner is a company called Maths Circle Ltd.
TT Rock Stars privacy notice can be located here –
If you require any further information or assistance, please contact the school by email [email protected] or by telephone 0117 3532902
A further letter will be sent to you ahead of the school launch to provide you with your child’s log in information and instructions to access the website or app at home.
Yours sincerely
Mr R Fossard