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The Academy Day

The Academy’s Hours of Operations: 32.50

8.00 – 8.30 – Before school Breakfast Club (chargeable)

8.30 – 8.45 – Children Arrive

8.45 –   Doors open and Registration

9.00 – 10.30 – Session One

10.30 – Morning break

10.50 – 2nd lesson either literacy or maths

12.00 to 1.00 – Lunch time

1.00 to 3.30 – Afternoon sessions may include PE, Key Question, Frome Vale Citizen, science, Art & Design

3.00- Assembly, Monday, Wednesday & Friday

3.30 – End of the day


Reception class are collected from their garden door

Year 1 class are collected from the ramp in KS2 playground

Year 2 class are collected from the KS2 playground

Year 3 class are collected from the Main school entrance

Year 4 class are collected from the KS2 playground

Year 5 class are collected from the KS2 playground

Year 6 class are collected from the main hall exit adjacent to the staff carpark.