The school has a uniform of a red sweatshirt and red or white polo shirt, both of which are worn either with grey or black trousers, skirts or pinafores and a black, grey or red hijab, if appropriate. Red and white dresses can also be worn in the summer. The basic school uniform is available to buy from all large supermarkets. Please can you label all uniform with your child’s name.
Sweatshirts, fleeces and polo shirts with the school logo can be purchased from our school uniform retailer: Monkhouse Schoolwear
Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists
We offer a pre-loved uniform shop where parents can purchase good condition, pre-loved school uniform which has either been outgrown or unclaimed from lost property. Items of uniform may also be donated. Please contact the school office using [email protected] stating the items you need and the age of your child.
Children should wear safe, sensible black shoes to school at all times. Children should have wellington boots in school also.
All clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. We expect children to wear uniform at all times.
PE Kit
Children should wear their P.E. kit to school on the allocated days. You will be advised of your child’s PE days at the end of the previous term. Children’s PE kit should include trainers, navy or black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and a plain white or black t-shirt.
Book Bags
Children need to bring their book bag to school with them every day and they also need to take it home every afternoon so that they are able to read at home too. Book bags also contain a Home/School reading diary which tells you about their reading and also provides a means of sending messages from home to school, and vice versa. Please check your child’s bag daily for letters or other information. All children are given a book bag when they join the school and replacement bags can be purchased from our uniform supplier.