Academy Ethos & Vision
Our aim
We aim to develop citizens of the world by providing opportunities to embrace diversity, develop positive values, teach life skills and love learning, to enable personal achievement.
We do this by:
- Developing a clear understanding of pupil’s place in a multicultural and diverse world, respecting differences and similarities.
- developing environmentally conscious citizens.
- developing an understanding of personal well-being, healthy living, personal safety and safe relationships.
- developing critical thinkers, who are able to articulate their ideas in a confident manner.
- developing a sense of responsibility.
- Developing curriculum specific skills to enable children to understand what it means to be a mathematician, writer, geographer etc.
We provide a calm, purposeful and safe school and welcome parents, the community and other organisations to join us in giving the best education possible.
Enabling children to understand their place in the world, which they exploit because of a developed sense of self and agency that is built on an ability to seek meaning and make connections based on evolving understanding secured through a foundation of knowledge and skills
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Respectful
British Values
The examples that follow show currently some of the many ways Frome vale Academy seeks to embed ‘British values’.
Frome Vale Academy currently addresses issues of democracy in the curriculum and the wider life of the Academy currently by:
- Involving children in making decision about certain choices, such as new staff recruitment or school contracts.
- Children are part of policy writing, e.g The Behaviour Policy
- Elections of School Council representatives
- School Council meetings in class every term and between councillors three times a term
- Voting for choice of texts to learn about
- The study of the Ancient Greeks
- Visits by Youth MPs
- The study of World War 1 and 2
- The teaching of skills in balanced arguments through literacy
- Using drama techniques to develop ‘a voice’ such as Conscience Alley
- Local study which investigates the use of land locally
- Democracy question of the term
Future plans involve:
- Visits to The Court House
- Planning visits to and from institutions and services
The rule of law
Frome Vale Academy currently addresses The Rule of law in the curriculum and the wider life of the Academy currently by:
- Ensuring there is a class charter that children know and understand
- Children know and understand the school behaviour policy
- Use restorative justice techniques following an incident
- Themed assemblies that focus on such things as responsibilities
- Providing a ‘reflective time’ to consider certain behaviours
Future plans involve:
- Further, formalised’ visits from the PSCO
Individual liberty
Frome Vale Academy currently addresses Individual Liberty in the curriculum and the wider life of the Academy currently by:
- Taking part in projects in conjunction with UWE on future choices; visiting parliament, taking part in debate and voting
- Study a comparison between Victorian and life today
- Visit by NSPCC
- Study of World 1 and 2
Mutual Respect & Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Frome Vale Academy currently addresses Mutual Respect & Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
in the curriculum and the wider life of the Academy currently by:
- Preventative work on bullying (in conjunction with NSPCC)
- Themed assemblies of equality and diversity
- Big question studies around different faiths
- Inviting different people of different faiths to talk with the children
- Our Frome Vale Citizen culture
Future plans involve:
- Visiting different places of worship on a yearly basis
- Invite people from faiths not represented in the school to talk with the children